A LaVeyan Satanist's Guide To Dealing With "Good Christians"
well, if you found this site and this page then you want to know how to deal with the toxic "good christians" the ones who act loving, and kind, and as if they are truly good, yet upon further inspection, it is nothing but a veil for their internalized, buried, and hidden hate for those who lie within the minority, or those who wish to shove it down your throat, or in some way, any of the self-deceiving liars who claim to believe, and yet miss the point of their own so-called "holy bible". I will continue updating this guide as I find new methods, types, and workarounds with these people.
before we begin, I must preface this with a simple fact: some christians are genuinely good. however the truly good ones, the true christians who love everybody, they themselves are usually hated by the very people who claim to believe in the same book, to believe in the same religion, as the genuinely good christians are the minority, they are outliers, and I myself have only met one, however the number whose religion is but a veil or whose belief in it is a lie, is far larger.
if you are ready to proceed, then go on, however, if you are a christian, I have a message prior to reading this: if you are one of the types of christian outlined within these words, then you are no better than the sinners you so strongly claim you do not hate, or claim to "hate the sin, not the sinner" or some other form of lie that you use to excuse yourself from your ousting of said sinners. you are using that religion as a veil, or lying that you believe it to begin with, to yourself, others, or even both, but here's the thing: if it's a veil, a vanity, a mask, a lie, or everything but the truth, then do you really believe in it? do you really follow it? are you truly a member? perhaps you're not even worth the sacrifice your religion claims jesus made, and you are not worthy of any forgiveness or leniency that that brings. and even without your religion, in that case you are just a hateful person who is so unintelligent and unable to learn that you spew hate as oppose to learning how to respect, and be kind to all those around you, to all other people on this planet, simply because you lack the understanding, or the intelligence, or respect to even try to understand. mull over that, and if these methods feel directed at you, if you feel victimized, or persecuted, you are more than likely a large part of the problem.
if you are to use this guide, there are a few key steps you must take, summarised into three categories/steps, Research, Understand, and Execute, or RUE, as anyone who you use this guide against will rue the day they came into your life.
Research everything.
if you are to effectively destroy one of these such people, or cause any damage that will remove them from your life permanently, you must know them, you must know what kind of toxic christian they are, you must know how they behave, and you must know how their mind works.
Analyze the threat level & willingness to act. this is a crucial part, as if the person is toxic, but they are no threat to you, or they are not directly part of your life, often times it is best to try and ignore, as these people are not worth the effort, however, if you do truly want to act, and risk having one such person in your life, that is your prerogative.
Understand this guide
this is a crucial part of this guide. research the things you can use, research the methods here, adapt them to your needs, take inspiration, delve into them, truly understand them and what I mean by them so you can bend and use them to maximum effectiveness.
Execute the plan
this is the final step, this is the moment you shall wait for. find the door, find the point to begin your chosen method of destruction of this individual, and execute, begin the method, and let the dominoes fall, let the path to their destruction become the only one for either of you until they are destroyed, and you walk away, continuing on with your own life.
for this section we have the font "covered by your grace" as these people act as if they are untouchable, flawless, "god's perfect creation", when all they are is but a smothering weight that you eagerly await to be lifted. we shall call them "holy swans", as there is a vanity of kindness, grace, niceness, and "holy" veneer, but inside they are rotten people who are nothing but smothering weights, leeches that attempt to make you feel obligated, and in worse cases, tear you down, and once you're almost empty, they "show you god" and manipulate and condition you from your weakest moment.
these types of people will say "god bless you" and other such things. things that attempt to make you feel obligated to believe, or things like "oh god bless you for being so kind to me" or "thank god you're such a great person" attributing your existence to their deity, their god. these people attempt to make people believe through a subtle form of gaslighting and peer pressure, by trying to make you feel as if you are a product of god, and not natural sex between two humans, your parents, and years upon years of life experience, and working on yourself. these people will make you feel as if you are perfect, but also tainted in a way, your interactions with them will feel weighted, like a gilded friendship, but again, it is gilded, for all that is underneath this coating, this image, this vanity of gold, is smothering torment, and irritation, and forced obligation. these people are also usually an example of what LaVeyan Satanism calls "psychic vampires", people who drain your energy and make you feel obligated to them, and you feel if you don't live up to their expectations your life will go sour, however not always. these holy swans sometimes try and be nice, or do good deeds out of trying to uphold their holy veneer
now, how do you deal with one? well, if they classify as a psychic vampire, follow the words of Anton Szandor LaVey in The Satanic Bible: metaphorically stake them through the heart and cut them out of your life. however, if they are trying to be good, and just exist, but they become a problem, here's what you can do
the most obvious method is to block them, cut them out of your life, unless doing so would cause them to go behind your back and stab you in it, and as such, if removal of their poisonous self is not an option, proceed with the following methods
at some point if they try and preach their religion, or beliefs, or insert them, point out that their religion, their belief is a veil, it's a vanity, and say it in a way that is respectful, calm, and controlled, simply say "drop this, because your vanity of being nice isn't fooling me" or "this subject isn't ok, drop it, your vanity of offering help and being a good christian is only furthering the problem" or something along those lines. say it as fact, calmly, and this will begin a sequence of events that are wonderful to observe. if they try and clap back or say "you're projecting" or something of the sort, or "I wasn't talking to you" or something, you know you've hit the proper nerve, otherwise, move to the next method. however if this seems to be the right method, do not respond to that attempt to clap back, do not respond to their attempts to antagonize you, as your actions will only be their excuse, they will only play the victim, hide behind their religion and it deserving respect, playing at "majority groups deserve respect and we're so persecuted" stereotypical argument, or they will say something like "you don't know me" obviously denying the fact you see them and their stereotype hidden underneath, or they will say you're being attacking for calling them out and their stereotype. this shows the method has worked, and it shows that the domino effect has begun, and most times you can sit back without interacting and watch as they take the anger they wanted to take out on you, the anger they hide, the anger that they console themselves with "god will punish them", and that anger will fester, and grow, and rot them from the inside, just as they are a gilded person, a holy swan, this action, this method will make the dark and rotten feelings, thoughts, and opinions that they hide behind holy white plumage begin to boil, and slowly but surely it will become a toxin that will kill them.
as for the next method, if they do not react to the initial method, clearly they are smarter and wish to play the long game, and as such, you must as well. play into it, act as if you're interested, wait a while and say while you still think their religion is a vanity, you're willing to have your mind changed. now that is important, only speak truths with these people, even if they are half truths, only give them the truth, as they will know if you are lying, and there is nothing you can do if they know that. during this long game, do not succumb to their manipulations, still seem interested, but fall just short of letting them grab onto you to become the leech they so desperately want to be, because you see, a leech is stupid, it is a small blood sucking organism that needs to feed upon others to survive, so let them get so close, let them chase you around, following you, hoping, waiting, praying for a moment that they can latch on and finally leech from you, and feed, until the day they give up from having starved, or having broken. this will shake their faith, and stop their behaviour, perhaps permanently on both accounts, however be warned: a starving animal is unpredictable, and the hungrier the leech grows, the more it will need to feed to feel satiated once it latches on. do not permit them to latch on once you have begun this method.
for this section, we have the font "Architects Daughter" as the "christians" who are as i shall describe next believe they are god's true children, directly his as their religion claims jesus was, his gift to the world, young and aspiring architects sent to build his following, and their life mission is to choke everyone with their holiness and "god's light" heh, seems more like they're using that holiness to nonconsentually throatfuck you with god's "holy rod", as after all, isn't heaven paradise? is sex not a sin in their religion and they're "saving themselves for jesus" or whatever? regardless, these people i shall call "cancer christians", and they are the ones who attempt to throw their religion in your face every chance they get, force you to believe and be a part of it. this sounds more like occultist abuse than an all loving and holy religion to me. now this is not to be confused with the previous people, they are usually hateful and the religion is but a veil for them, these people truly believe, but take it way, way too far, and they are fanatics, acolytes, not even believers, and treat their holy book like a blackened, bloodstained grimoire, an evil tome of occultism and forced following. these are the people that say LaVeyan Satanists like myself are evil cultists, because they are merely projecting, now how fucked is that? these people are most often the direct invitees of friends, family, etc, and most often bring new people into the doors of the church, and that is why they have been allowed to fester behind closed doors, because while true christians would oust them in a heartbeat, what happens behind closed doors, when the church can turn a blind eye, these people are allowed to crack the proverbial whip over the slaves and command them to walk into the church under threat of being another victim. these people are sometimes fanatics and focus on the hateful portions of their holy book, and are the ones who commit hate crimes, and all of the sudden the church calls them "misguided" when they should be calling them "hateful and profane fanatics who have twisted the word of god to their hateful ideals", but again, these people bring new followers in, and the blind eye has been forced open so it will not look for long, so they sweep it under the rug, along with all the other diseased lies and dust they hide so these people can fester like the cancerous christians they are. now, you may notice my tone has starkly changed to directly offensive as that leads into the main and primary method of dealing with these people.
the only way to make cancer christians quit is to assess if they think you can be converted, brought into the fold, if they think you can, you are an asset, a tool, a toy to them, and you will be victimised, but to a lesser extent. this can be useful, or a torturous hell, but it can be safe. however if they do not think you can be converted, or think they can do whatever, if they think they have power, or that you are vulnerable, the situation is vastly different, and you are unsafe, and you need help, which i will cover in my second method.
if you are able to be converted by them, and the cancer christian(s) want to see effort; this may come in the form of parents, or spouses, or someone who is an important or key portion of your life (whether or not you want them to be), and if they do want to see effort, make the appearance of effort, read their holy book, take a while to do so, and say you're truly thinking about it, and that you want to finish it cover to cover to truly understand it. this is the prefacing lie, and this preparation tactic is sometimes necessary, and may need to be adapted to the situation you are in. or, you may even be a true believer and can leave them and their hatefulness behind or make them do better. if you are a true christian, one of the good ones, coming from a cancer christian situation: i commend you by the highest order of my respect, as you truly deserve it, and are truly a wonderful person to be a true christian, one of the good ones, and yet come from such evil.
the primary and main way to deal with these people is to directly offend them and their religion, explain that it is not what you want, and tell them to get away. this can be done if you are not vulnerable and it will break them or cause you to not be vulnerable. put in safeguards too, threaten to expose them. oftentimes these dynamics function on narcissism, as long as their outside reputation is maintained, and the walls of the house keep the secrets, they don't care. if you do this, have evidence hidden in the walls and be ready to smash the windows and wave a flag while you shout from said window screaming their sins out to the world. however this method is extremely rarely able to be used, and will present a constant danger to yourself, be careful.
now the secondary method is if they only see you as a victim, the object of their hate. they will hate you, they will abuse you, and they will even kill you. these cancer christians are the type of christians who hate crime you and anyone they hate "in the name of god" when all they are is hateful, lying, deceitful heretics that any good church would oust and damn to hell. "misguided" my ass. these are the people who kill trans people "in the name of god" and who hate crime everyone who they think is "going to hell" these people most likely think they need to accelerate that person's trip to hell, or some other sadistic and evil thinking. these are the thoughts they claim us Satanists have, these are the thoughts they use as ammunition against us, when it is THEM that have them. they are the problem. they have freedom of religion, and they have freedom of hate under free speech, but they DO NOT have freedom to hate crime, kill, and hurt others in the name of those freedoms. they do not have freedom of consequence, and it is high time these pathetic maggots learn their place in this world: hateful bottom feeders the churches have allowed to fester, and not cut out like the diseased, poisonous cancer they are, and represent. this is the type of person you must deal with. and you do so by running, getting away, avoiding them at all costs. go to the nearest police precinct, if the person follows you, the police should protect you, it is their legal obligation to do so in some jurisdictions, however if they do not, keep it in mind. that or get away. if escape is not an option, defend yourself as needed. if needed, you can, and should defend yourself, and, if someone of this nature presents you with no other option, take their life. you have a right to be safe, even if you must defend yourself and create that safety through death. ONLY do so if they present no other option. you should use this only as a last resort, but do not think for a moment that doing this is not their intention, or is beyond them, as if they followed you or are coming after you in some way, this is most likely near the forefront of their mind.
this is the most directly and irrefutably dangerous type of "good christian" as their belief is not only genuine, but also a facade, and that combination is a fanatical and evil combination, resulting in the cancer christian.