Site Map

this is a list of sites i have published under this URL of, listed in alphabetical order

for the ones that are fictional, the site shall be written as if you are speaking to Alasair Ashanti, a fictional alias/character i created that is a goddess version of myself, Aleena, it's an alias i created in the delusion that i have decided to recycle into a fictional persona for myself, which i created another site for Here

for clarity: Alasair Ashanti is an Alias and Fictional Character, not an Alter. it is a Persona for the Alter Aleena.

this is a separate project tied to a whole different URL, it's my project for spreading information about disorders, covering everything about them especially comorbidity, and to be very personal and only from people who actually have the disorders.

this is a silly little fun project i made to give out achievements in life because why not
Fictional - created under the persona Alasair Ashanti

this is a personal project of mine (Aleena's) for the fucked up, weird, odd, and messy coincidences that keep happening in my life, and for anyone else to submit them, check it out if you're bored - this project i've mostly abandoned, but may pick it up again later

this is my website for my GTA 5 crew, Nebula Stardust - this project/crew is mainly inactive, and i've mostly stopped working on it or playing the game

this is Killscore, a fictional game i made for scoring kills in a roleplay/DND scenario, or metaphorical scenarios and jokes

this is our memes site, please enjoy, fair warning though: many of them are trash. this is mostly abandoned, but i might pick it up again later.

this is my "playground", where i explain how to make sites with google sites, things i've learned over the years with anything tech related, just any information that people may want or need, along with being able to test new things, hence the name. it will also serve as a portfolio for my skills to show to any employers, and will have a more professional touch.

this is an example site used to show people how the fuck building websites works in google sites. it will be added on to and worked on sporadically. enjoy.

this is my personal site for my character in No Man's Sky, it has my backstory as a player, documentation, lore, etc, just anything I want.

this is my personal project to develop an AI, called Project Umbra. I started it years ago with the intention of self hosting it for small scale use between a few friends and I, and now knowing I'm a system (the project began before finding that out) perhaps it'll show some usefulness in regards to inter-Alter communication, and i hope to one day integrate it into my house as a smart home system of some sort. current work on it is to be a bot for me to use personally, and i may integrate it into a program to redistribute.

this project is one i made to just be thought provoking and have a ton of weird existential shit. if you want an existential crisis or something to inspire you, enjoy.

this is my own little project that i've been working on and using to copy the Rules Of The Internet, and i'll also add some of my own to this as well.